Every day educators across New York City face challenges navigating conversations and conflicts around LGBTQ+ issues—with students, parents, and colleagues alike. Too often, they feel ill-equipped to meet these complexities, leaving LGBTQ+ youth vulnerable in classrooms that should be spaces of safety and belonging.
NYC Teach Fabulous! addresses this urgent need by providing educators with ongoing professional development and peer support through partnerships with PFLAG NYC, Future Leaders Incubator, and NYC Public Schools, starting in Brooklyn’s Community School District 13. This program equips teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, paraprofessionals, parent coordinators, and school leaders with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to create inclusive and affirming school environments.
When educators thrive, students thrive. By fostering inclusive teaching practices and empowering educators as allies and advocates, Teach Fabulous ensures that LGBTQ+ youth feel seen, valued, and supported. Together, we’re building a future where every student has the opportunity to flourish in schools that honor and celebrate their identities.